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Entity 5 - Phantom le Bâti

The Phantom le Bâti, otherwise known as the Ghostly Bed, is an entity that can be found in room Dusklight Hotel. This entity gets a 3/10 on the danger. This entity will try to convince you to go to sleep on it, even looking at it inserts the thought in your head. If you resist the urge, it will release dopamine and melatonin gases, which will almost always convince the visitor to sleep. Sleeping on the Ghostly Bed will not do anything bad to the visitor directly, however, it is common to have nightmares during the slumber. It is not recommended to sleep on it because doing so leaves you open to a sneak attack via another entity. It has also been reported that the Ghostly Bed is able to move and walk around, but this is unproven.


This entity's only weakness is blaring noises, like sirens, air horns, etc.


The Ghostly Bed

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